Thursday, May 6, 2010

Talk to Me, O Readers!

I realize I've only got about 10 regular readers, so my expectations are low, but I'd like to have my first talk-back sort of thing go on here. I've been thinking: what is the one book I would not just recommend that someone read, but that I would actually force someone to read, if I had that power. The distinction is, a recommendation might be something you expect the person to like (hopefully so), whereas force suggests that, regardless of what the other person might think of it, we believe it is something of which they simply must be aware. If they enjoy it; well, that would be a pleasant bonus.

Mine would be:

The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway

The User Illusion, Tor Norretranders

So, what are yours? Please tell us (viz. the literate masses): what would you have us read?


AT said...

This is more interesting than work so I will give a whirl.

Fiction: The Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera

Non-fiction: Counsel to the President - Richard Holbrooke
- This book is a biography of Clark Clifford, not Richard Holbrooke. Holbrooke is the author.

Non-fiction caveat - I would nominate the Economist magazine if magazines were allowed

tCL said...

Ha! Of course you would nominate the Economist. ULoB - great recommendation A.T.

jsh said...

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance / Lila
Robert M. Pirsig

It can be justly criticized as pop-philosophy but it was one of the gateway books that lead me to some of the most substantial ideas I've been exposed to.

Why I Am Not A Christian
Bertrand Russell

One of the best from my favorite 20th century philosopher.

tCL said...

Totally fair assessment of ZatAoMM. I think I read it too late in life (viz. after I had been exposed to Bertrand Russell). Viva Russell!

DeHan said...

Westlandia By Paul Fleischman

Go make your own Utopia!

Unknown said...

Fiction: “A Thousand Splendid Suns” Khaled Hosseini
Non Fiction: “Infidel” Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Two windows into a culture we have been at war with for over 1300 years.

Sabari folk said...

The Baby Whisperer and my new coffee pot manual - this is my latest reading, these two books have been close to my heart lately! Sorry, I am not more interesting than this.