Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weekend Update

My busy three-day weekend of fun consisted of:

Friday, Jaime and I had a delicious dinner at Spur (heirloom lettuces salad, veal sweetbreads with squash puree and, of course, the latest incarnation of the Spur burger). Afterward, we met up with Chris, Jen, Tyler and Kelsey at Tyler's house (my former home of two years) and, among other things, invented a game that involved someone reading from the Big Lebowski screenplay (which Tyler keeps on his coffee table) and his opponent trying to say the next line (eventually, Tyler made up a "Blitz" rule, where if you could beat your opponent to saying the line that followed yours you earned an extra point).

Saturday, Jaime and I went coat shopping and I (finally) bought a casual winter coat (thank you for your sale, Mr. Mario). Then we had dinner with Jess and Dawn at Tavolata (spaghetti with lots of anchovies - yes, please) and went to see Dave Atell (comedian) at the Moore (not a great show). Then Jaime and I met up with some other friends at the Elite on Cap Hill.

Sunday, I (finally) bought a new TV (Jaime convinced me by reminding me that I have complained at least once a month for the past year about my current TV). I looove my new TV - as a film buff it is really a travesty that I have been watching good movies on a so-so TV for so long.

Monday - office closed. I painted three huge canvases for Jaime's office (pictures to come). Then, Jaime made pizza from scratch and we had Chris and Jen over for Chris' 30th birthday.


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