Monday, September 1, 2008


I updated my music Web site with some old tracks. I am looking forward to adding new music in the near future.

Speaking of music, Bumbershoot was going on just down the street all weekend. Despite my best effort to find any acts I was excited to see, I only found Beck and he was playing at a time that did not work with the rest of my schedule.

Jaime and I went to my friend Jesse Hollowell's wedding this weekend, which was at The Canal in Ballard. It was a nice small venue for a wedding and the evening featured an open bar that turned out a sufficient number of Manhattans to get me dancing and a kitchen that turned out a sufficient amount of prime rib to keep me full. Jesse made us all laugh a couple of times during the ceremony and the recessional was "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey - it was a fitting marriage for my old friend. My good friend Nels was in town for the event, which made the weekend a little more intrinsically entertaining than average.

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