So, I tried to post this before, but then I posted the wrong interview and deleted it and didn't put the right one up, which may caused those of you who regularly check this thing to be left wondering "what happened?" What's that? No one cared? Oh, I see.
Here it is, Bret Easton Ellis' interview in Vice Magazine. BEE has a new book coming out next month, Imperial Bedrooms, for which I am already experiencing restless anticipation. I especially enjoyed the Lynchian-fear motif that keeps popping up throughout the interview. Also enjoyed his comments w/r/t Salinger and Twitter and the movie Precious.
WARNING: When the word "spoiler" pops up toward the end, they really mean it - they are going to spoil some major plot points. But that's fine with me - literature shouldn't be about Shyamalanian (is that a thing?) thrills and chills - this isn't the f-ing Da Vinci Code.
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