Saturday, November 28, 2009

Switzerland Reservations

We are staying in this hotel in Zurich and this hotel in Lucerne. We were considering the Palace Hotel in Lucerne, but after Adam and I discussed the end that came to Marie Antoinette during her tenure in a palace, and given Jaime's proclivity to say "let them eat cake" in her day-to-day life, we decided such a reservation would be courting trouble.

Also, we did some research on the NYE celebration in Zurich. It looks like the Swiss enjoy the same sorts of things on December 31 (or 31.12.09) as we do.


Bob/Linda/Stokes said...

So, be sure to have their breakfasts, they are tremendous. European breakfasts will last all day and are so good. Local pastries, meats, eggs, fruit.....the whole package. Looks like a wonderful place to spend your New Years Eve.......You sure know how to live on a big budget!

jemmasmith said...
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